Thursday, October 14, 2010

Non-magnetic, high crystalization, WHAT CAN IT BE

1 comment:

  1. I recieved this stone from an old customer of mine and she passed away a few years ago, so i have no idea where she found it. I know she was always traveling outside of the US and bringing goofy things back to show me. This stone caught my eye immediatly, because i thought it was some kind of "indian" artifact(like a tool). Well anyway, i've done quite a bit of research on Lunar stones and i do realize that i have a better chance of finding a suitcase full of a million dollars than for this to be anything related to a moon rock.
    But the markings on the outside of the stone continue all the way through it, the stone has alot of very tiny metal specks, there are veins of some very different kind of crystalization on the outside and thru the stone, it looks and feels like at one time it had a different exterior, and there is some sort of soil residue that was sandwiched between the pieces i chizelled off.
